#in2sailing #mediterranean (scroll down for English) Sichtungen von Delfinen sind ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Wir teilen Impressionen einer faszinierenden Delfin-Sichtung...
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Michael Allhoff has expertise in strategic communication, investigation, consulting & project management. As correspondent he worked 25 years for renowned international media, reporting out of more than a hundred countries worldwide. As consultant and owner of AlphaMedia Comunicación, based on the spanish Costa Blanca, he operates within an international network of top-level key contacts in tourism and nautic.
#AlphaMediaComunicación, your publishing factory in the Internet empowering you to succeed in your communication. Join more than 100 companies and governmental organizations which have improved their audience by booking the services of AlphaMedia Comunicación.
#ideashaveconsequences = We boost your online visibility through high quality content making a difference.
In the languages German, English and Spanish.
#in2sailing #mediterranean (scroll down for English) Sichtungen von Delfinen sind ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Wir teilen Impressionen einer faszinierenden Delfin-Sichtung...
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