#in2sailing #mediterranean (scroll down for English) Sichtungen von Delfinen sind ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Wir teilen Impressionen einer faszinierenden Delfin-Sichtung...
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Michael Allhoff has expertise in strategic communication, investigation, consulting & project management. He operates within a network of top-level key contacts in the worldwide tourism industry, economy and politics. As founder of AlphaMedia Comunicación he empowers local, national and international clients to succeed in their projects. He speaks german, spanish, english and french. As correspondent he worked for renowned media (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, Reader´s Digest, Welt am Sonntag, Grands Reportages, BMW Magazin) reporting out of 120 countries worldwide and has been more than ten years editor in charge of the german weekly „Costa Blanca Nachrichten“. Among his book publications are „Patagonia“ and „Traumstraßen Mexiko“.
#in2sailing #mediterranean (scroll down for English) Sichtungen von Delfinen sind ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Wir teilen Impressionen einer faszinierenden Delfin-Sichtung...
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